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Champagnat Day Mass 2023

By High School News, Pre-School News, Primary School News

Leila Wakefield Grade 12

Mass was a festive affair with the rhythm of the marimbas calling us, and welcoming us, to celebrate. It was a joy to have the Brothers join us, and to have Br John with his guitar. It was good to have our parents and other special guests too. Thinking about how we as Marists are called to grow our awareness of those in the margins, and to work to include the ones we other, was the theme of our reflection. The children sang beautifully, from preschool to Matric, and the student reflections were thought provoking. Fr Mokesh led with compassion and challenge, and as we led out we were thoroughly warmed through in body and soul.

We Marists of Champagnat, are invited to live in unity and to oppose marginalization on a small and large scale. To marginalize someone is to treat individuals or specific groups of people as insignificant and inferior to others. We see people being marginalized in society based on race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender, sexuality and economic status.

We are also guilty of marginalization on a smaller level, we do it at school, in our neighborhoods, and even in our own homes when we exclude people for the core things that make up their identity and make them feel as if they are less than us. These people’s rights, voices and humanity are denied, and as a result suffer at the hands of others for their whole lives.

Every single one of us took part in putting together a puzzle for today’s mass. Eventually you would have noticed that on every puzzle is a picture of a maze. A maze is representative of this journey of life; there are dead ends, twisting corners that confuse you, and the reward at the end takes forever to reach. I want you to imagine yourself in a literal maze.

Imagine what this journey to the end or the glinting gold will be like. Will it be hard? Frustrating? Frightening? Or will it be easy? Imagine what it will be like if you were in this maze alone. Would it be any better if you were with a group of people? Picture yourself in this maze with a group of people that always exclude you, make you feel like you have no value.

How would you feel? How would you feel when the leader of this group makes sure that everyone does their absolute best to exclude you, dehumanize you, hurt you, and exploit you? It’s unfair, right? It’s unfair when you’re the only one that gets treated this way. Will you endure it the entire time you are in this huge, spine-chilling maze with people that constantly bury your spirit deeper and deeper? Or will you have the courage and heart to defend yourself against them?

Congratulations, you have just completed a small lesson on empathy!

With a similar perspective, I want you to question why we should bring people from the margins of society closer to us. We need to dig into the humanity that is constantly squashed by the laws and people that use their power over us. While injustice is common, one should never accept justice as common. As humans that are all owned by the earth and the universe, it is our duty to fight injustices like marginalization with all our strength and heart.

As humans that are connected to the earth, we should have love for our earth and its people. And because of this love, we need to exercise our right to criticize each other’s actions, hold those in power accountable, and draw people that were cast aside closer to us and our hearts.

This should not just make up our own moral center, but also how we identify as Marists. Being Marist connects us to our spirituality, and from spirituality comes reflection. Reflection is key to helping us realize our role in this journey of life, and it helps us realize what we need to do to create a change in our community and greater society. Without reflection, we become burnt out when we are constantly running towards a world that we want to create. Reflect and regain your fire, spirit, and sight of the path you need to follow and people you give your strength to.

Saint Marcellin Champagnat is an example for alleviating issues of marginalization as he established schools in rural areas where children had no access to education.He made this his entire life’s goal. As extensions of Champagat’s work and his vision, and as people that are interconnected with each other, exercise your right to criticize and demand change where you see injustice. We are Champagnat today for ourselves, tomorrow for the world we want to live in, and always in our hearts.

Tuckshop Tender

By School News, Tenders

Sacred Heart College invites tenders from parties interested in running the school tuck shop.

Previous experience of running a tuck shop within a school environment will be important and of advantage to the applicant.

Sacred Heart College intends to enter into an agreement with a service provider who is to provide the services required. The services rendered will be for the service provider’s own account, taking responsibility for all risks including profit/loss, stock, and cash control.


To sell legally permitted, quality, healthy, wholesome foods and refreshments to the Sacred Heart community in an efficient and professional manner.


i. Students
ii. Staff
iii. Parents
iv. Visitors


i. The initial term of the contract will be for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 (12 months). Sacred Heart College reserves the right to renew or re-advertise for a new service provider.
ii. Either party may cancel the contract at any given time by giving 90 days’ notice in writing to this effect.


The rental will be negotiated based on a percentage of turnover and will be payable at the beginning of each month. The rental will be reviewed on an annual basis, taking inflation into account. Any increase will be communicated timeously.


i. Monday to Friday excluding certain periods in the school holidays.
ii. Official school events taking place over weekends or holidays.
iii. Standard operating hours – Monday to Fridays 06h00 – 18h00
iv. Furthermore, tuck shop management and staff must be available to provide catering services for school events and meetings, which might be after hours, if requested.


Interested parties are invited to submit a tender proposal, considering the following:

i. The successful tenderer is required to ensure that the tuck shop stocks a range of healthy foods in compliance at least with the following – Halaal, limited processed products, wholewheat options.
ii. All items intended to be sold must meet the approval of Sacred heart College management.
iii. Distribution process – ordering process and distribution to our School Campus.
iv. An electronic daily, weekly, and termly ordering and payment system for staff and students must form part of the service offered.
v. All menu items are to be individually priced for sale (incl VAT).
vi. The tuck shop will not have the sole right to sell food and beverages at the school. Internal fundraising will take place from time to time in consultation with the Service Provider. An example of this would be PTA events and initiatives.
vii. An offering of “extra’s” – providing birthday cakes, selling frozen meals etc would be an added advantage if included. Colourings and flavourings are to be limited since many children have food allergies. to colouring agents and preservatives. Must cater for food allergies.
viii. The preparation and handling of food are to be done according to the Food Safety and Quality Regulations.
ix. The successful applicant is required to staff the tuck shop. Staff shall conduct their business in a courteous manner. Staff must comply with Sacred Heart College’s Child Safeguarding Policy and be available to attend Child Safeguarding training when required.
x. Staff to be remunerated in a fair manner, and in compliance with at least the minimums in terms of the South African Labour laws such as the Basic Conditions of Employment Act.
xi. The successful applicant will give serious consideration to taking into their employ Sacred Heart College’s existing tuck shop staff. Sacred heart college will comply with the necessary transfer obligations, if any.
xii. Sacred Heart College can offer a consistent electricity and water supply.


i. Some fixed and electrical equipment is available for use by the successful tenderer but will remain the property of Sacred Heart College. Such equipment must be in place and in full working order upon the conclusion of the contract.
ii. Other equipment required will be at the service provider’s expense.
iii. Any damage that cannot be attributed to normal wear and tear must be paid for by the service provider.
iv. The school shall not be held liable for any loss of stock and equipment.
v. The service provider is to remove all waste (wet or dry) daily. Waste must be appropriately packaged for disposal with the use of proper refuse bags.
vi. We encourage the use of environmentally friendly packaging as well as recycling.


i. Copy of the company registration document.
ii. Copy of the business’s VAT registration document (if any).
iii. Certified copies of owner(s)/directors identity documents.
iv. Copy of the identity documents and Police Clearance certificates for the service provider’s management and support team who will be on site.
v. Please include your staff support organogram in your tender proposal.
vi. Please submit your tax clearance, BBBEE certificate and letters of good standing from the Department of Labour and your bankers.
vii. Please submit proof of having the relevant insurance cover.
viii. References and details of running similar ventures (prior experience in the running of a school tuck shop, catering business or any food services is a prerequisite).
ix. Full contact details of the service provider.
x. A proposed detailed menu of items and/or meals (Halaal) to be sold per day, including both the selling price per item and the portion size. Vegetarian and Vegan alternatives are to be stated. This menu must be adjusted in terms of the requirements of the Sacred Heart community, we recommend that a survey be done.


The deadline for the submission of tenders is 30 September at 17h00. These should be emailed to Sibusiso.ndlovu@sacredheart.co.za with the subject line ‘Tuck Shop Tender’.

If you have not heard from the school by 25 October 2023, please regard your application as unsuccessful.

The school reserves the right not to accept any bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the bid or reject all bids and cancel the notice to tender.

Preference will be given to candidates who advance the School’s Employment Equity Plan. Being a member of the Sacred broader community will also be an advantage.

Grade 1 Bell Ringing Ceremony

By Primary School News

Our amazing Grade 1 students marked the beginning of their school career last Friday at the Bell Ringing Ceremony. They heard about the use of bells from many cultures to connect with the spiritual world, to call the Marist Brothers to prayer and to make important announcements.

They also heard from Dr Potterton how important our hands are, and that as young Marists, we learn to love work. After Mrs Blanckensee blessed their hands and all their future work, they rang the bell heartily and received certificates from their teachers.

When these Grade 1s reach their Matric year, they will ring the bell again to mark the end of their school career. A special and treasured tradition!

Alumni in Spotlight: Tebogo Moalusi

By Alumni

Tebogo Moalusi is a UCT and GIBS graduate who is living proof of the impact that institutions can have on our lives.

His experiences at Sacred Heart College, including the academic and sports camps, inter-Catholic sporting events, rollerblade discos, Socials, and Dramatic Arts plays, changed his life forever. He is grateful for the foundation SHC provided and wants to give his children the same opportunity.

That’s why he’s enrolled them at Sacred Heart College.

He believes in the power of institutions to bind people and communities to a higher purpose and to deliver great human beings who change the world for the better. His favourite quote, from his Maths teacher in 2002, is “You’re going to change the world.”

Alumni in Spotlight: Mandisa Theko-Khitsane

By Alumni

We are proud to announce that one of our esteemed alumni, Mandisa Theko-Khitsane, has achieved great success in her career as a Digital Executive. With over 10 years of experience in the media, retail, and financial services sectors, Mandisa has a diverse background in e-commerce, digital strategy, social media, market research, management, and delivering omnichannel customer experiences.

Mandisa studied at Wits University, where she earned her undergraduate degree in 2011 and master’s degree in 2020, focusing on the impact of digitalization on traditional businesses. Mandisa is currently completing her PhD in Digital Business, exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence in various industries.

She reflects on her time at Sacred Heart College (2004-2008) as a defining period in their life. Mandisa had a full and immersive experience at school, learning valuable lessons through both education and extracurricular activities, including sports and cultural events. The most significant lesson Mandisa took away was how to “fail forward” and turn their experiences into learning opportunities.

She has fond memories of the friends she made at Sacred Heart College and cherishes the relationships that have lasted to this day. She highlights the unique and diverse community that Sacred Heart provides, exposing students to individuals from different walks of life. She appreciates the contributions of all her teachers, who helped shape and bring out different aspects of her character.

Being an alumnus of Sacred Heart College holds a special place in Mandisa’s heart, as it provides her with access to a community that she can always engage with and contribute to. Mandisa recognizes the importance of having safe spaces to share ideas, listen, and learn. The alumni community creates a sense of identity and provides a reference for personal reflection on life’s journey. Sacred Heart College is a representation of South Africa’s diverse community, and Mandisa is grateful to have attended a school that reflects the country she belongs to.

Celebrating Sacred Heart’s Class of 2022 with the Fourth Industrial Revolution future in their sights

By High School News

Sacred Heart College in Johannesburg is pleased to announce a 100% Matric pass rate. Seven students obtained four or more distinctions – and a number of other Matrics made significant learning gains to meet the goals they set during their school journey.

The College’s top matriculants for 2022 are: Faeez Dada, with seven distinctions, including 100% for Mathematics and an A for Further Studies Mathematics; Jemi Luzinga, with six distinctions; and Zayd Fazel-Ellahi, who has five distinctions including an A for Further Studies Mathematics.

Miles Holmes, Ntshembo Tiyani Maswanganyi, Belekazi Mbele and Luca Sampson earned four distinctions each. A further 18 students achieved an additional 35 distinctions, translating into an average of about two distinctions each.

Like other schools, Sacred Heart felt the effects of Covid-19, with the 2022 Matric cohort being directly affected by the pandemic from the onset of their foundational Matric year. They have had to navigate disrupted schooling and remote learning, a sentiment recognised by Anne Oberholzer, CEO of the Independent Examinations Board, in her media statement.

Sacred Heart is also just as proud of those students who may have been struggling academically and even failing in grade 10, for example, but who have improved consistently to obtain a bachelor’s pass or a distinction in Matric. Thanks to the support of the teachers and all the staff at the school, their parents, and their own dedication and determination, they have excelled and the college couldn’t be more pleased for them.

“We are thrilled for the student from a modest background who obtained distinctions despite the odds,” says Head of College Heather Blanckensee. “We toast the young man who came to Sacred Heart when his school closed down, found his feet and went on to achieve outstanding results. The refugee student who faced significant xenophobic challenges in a public high school and has gone on to achieve six distinctions. One student who hadn’t been passing has now opened up new horizons with a diploma pass, showing impressive learning gains. We celebrate them all.”

Sacred Heart’s ethos prioritises each child’s “journey to success”, leveraging the power of the “educational triangle” of parent, teacher and student to map out a child’s personal improvement goals and how to attain them. Developing a growth mindset is crucial to this journey.

“We believe every student should have the opportunity to study further,” explains Blanckensee. “There is incredible pressure to go to university and get a degree, but some young people may not be suited for that and many degrees do not adequately prepare them for the world of work. As the world continues to embrace the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the need for entrepreneurs, schools need to create opportunities for students to access different further study options if they wish, not necessarily only university, and prepare parents and students to make informed choices about their future.”

Blanckensee believes a mental shift needs to happen to realise that a 4IR-led future does not only require mathematical and scientific skills, but also success in the sphere of creativity and being able to navigate the complexities of collaboration in a diverse and uncertain world. “Different intelligences, including social intelligences, are needed in today’s workplace,” she says.

“That’s why we are all celebrating the results of our students who have displayed outstanding perseverance, involved themselves in all the co-curricular activities and still found time for community involvement projects. This, together with their further studies, will give them a choice of careers that will ensure that they are agile and are well-equipped for an ever-changing job market.”

Analysing Sacred Heart College’s Matric results holistically and from a 4IR viewpoint, there was a strong performance in key subjects: 73% of students writing Dramatic Arts obtained distinctions, 55.5% obtained distinctions for Visual Arts, 50% for Computer Applications Technology, 40% for Information Technology, 43% for isiZulu, 26% for Mathematics and 24% for Mathematical Literacy. “This shows us that Sacred Heart College is preparing students holistically for the 4IR,” she says.

“We have seen the amount of hard work our students put into these three years, and how they have grown in character and developed a strong work ethic. We are confident that, given this foundation, these young people will continue to excel in their future endeavours, and we look forward to hearing about their continued successes.”

Why do children tell lies?

By Pre-School News, Primary School News

I was on a school camp once when the camp coordinator came to me and asked if a girl, he had sent to me had come to speak to me. She hadn’t come to speak to me and was a little confused. I didn’t know anything. So, I called Rita and asked her why she told the camp leader she had spoken to me – she was speechless, she had been caught out!

As much as we might like to think that our children will always tell the truth, the reality is that lying is something most children experiment with at one point or another. Teachers, parents and guardians should keep in mind that telling lies is a natural part of child development and that in most instances children outgrow this behaviour.

Children learn to lie from about the age of two. The first lies children learn to tell are denials of doing something wrong. From the age of three they also learn to tell ‘white lies’. These are lies that are told to benefit other people or to be polite. For example, a child learns that you don’t tell granny about it when you’ve made a surprise birthday cake for her. And when your friend’s mother gives you a present you should thank her, even if the present is something you really don’t like.

Telling lies well is a social skill which we teach children, and young children find lying convincingly difficult. They often fail at this when they are asked further questions.

A child as young as age three is perfectly capable of knowingly telling a lie to avoid getting into trouble or to get something he or she wants. Some other common reasons for lying in school-age children include:

  • Wishful imaginative play
  • To avoid something they don’t want to do (such as clean up toys)
  • To avoid punishment
  • A desire to brag to friends/classmates to boost status and impress them
  • A desire to not disappoint parents when expectations are too high
  • Unhappiness with something in their lives
  • An attempt to get attention.

An article on the internet called How to Handle Lying in Children provided some helpful tips to keep in mind when dealing with lying:

  • Get to the root cause of the lie. Is your child simply telling a tall tale as part of fantasy play? Or is she deliberately trying to mislead you because she doesn’t want to be punished?
  • Give your child consequences, rather than punishment. What’s the difference? Punishment comes from a place of anger whereas consequences are focused on correcting the misbehaviour.
  • Do not make your child feel like he cannot come to you. If a child is worried that you will be angry, he may try to avoid telling you the truth at all costs. The important thing is to help your child feel secure, safe, and supported so that he knows he can talk to you without losing your affection and love. Explain to your child that if he tells you the truth, you will not become angry, and that the truth is more important to you than anything else.
  • Be clear about your expectations. Tell your child that lying is something that you do not want in your home. Let her know that telling the truth is just as important as other good behaviour that you expect from her such as speaking to you in a respectful manner.
  • Assess your own behaviour when it comes to telling the truth. Do you often resort to lying when you want to avoid a situation or to get something you want? For instance, if your child hears you telling a neighbour that you cannot feed her cat while she’s on a trip because you have a sick relative when the truth is that you secretly don’t like that cat, then your child will get the message that adults lie when it’s convenient for them.

Psychologists tell us that lying is as much a developmental milestone as any other cognitive task. Children who are brighter have a better ability to tell lies!

Once children are old enough to understand the difference between truth and lies, it’s good to encourage and support them, to tell the truth. You can do this by emphasising the importance of honesty in your family and praising your child for being honest.

By Mark Potterton

Dr Mark Potterton is the principal of Sacred Heart College Primary and the co-author of the book Fairness for All: Doing Discipline Differently.

Grade 2 Project Based Learning

By Primary School News

“Tea tastes better when it’s hot.”

Our Grade 2s have been investigating what goes into a cup of tea, coffee or hot chocolate. They started their journey by tasting tea at a tea party. This triggered them to start asking questions such as How is tea made? Where does tea come from? After some research, they visited a tea factory and learnt more about how tea is grown, processed and packaged. They even sampled some new flavours!

They enjoyed tasting hot chocolate at the coffee shop in Rosebank where the products are served. They had fun hearing the legends of how tea and coffee originated and discovering the places of origin for tea, coffee and hot chocolate.

The children then went on to capture their research in project booklets, presented a dance to their parents/guardians about coffee in Cuba and even made their own teabags which they served to their parents after the production.

Learning about the origins of tea, coffee and hot chocolate was fun. It turns out tea was originally used as medicine!

Theatre Link

By School News

Sacred Heart College students show off their talents in scriptwriting, directing and acting.

Theatre Link is a programme run in collaboration with the Manhattan Theatre Club in New York. Sacred Heart College has been part of this programme for the last 9 years, and we are one of only 3 non-American schools that participate. Until 2021 SHC was the only South African school involved. Several of our students in Grades 7 to 11 participated in the programme that addressed social issues.

This programme allows Grade 11 students to write and direct plays while working alongside actual Broadway actors, scriptwriters and directors. The students also have the chance to exchange plays with different American schools. This means that the writers have a chance to interact with working professionals and schools from different parts of the world.

Students and theatre professionals interact via Zoom during the three-month writing process to question and develop scripts. We also offer American schools connected to us the opportunity to send questions or feedback. Once the final script is passed the production process begins. The performances are also live-streamed to the connecting schools, so we watch an American school perform a play written by SHC students and an American school then watches SHC perform their play.

The schools are not always the same every year and SHC has worked with schools from Washington DC, Texas, Mississippi and Tennessee over the years. This year SHC worked with Woodside High School in Virginia and FURR High School in Texas.

The 2022 Plays:

1st Play: “The Comedy Club” was set against the backdrop of a comedy club and delved into several societal issues such as absent fathers, racism, sexism and nepotism. Holding up such heavy issues in that kind of space allowed it to display how comedy can be used to deal with everyday societal issues.

2nd Play: “The Situation” explored the racism that still exists in our society on a deep level, particularly in inter-racial relationships. The young actors of Sacred Heart College eloquently portrayed the story of two young people from different worlds and realities who are brought together by love despite racial discrimination and family feuds.

3rd Play: “A Sip Too Far’’ illustrated the sexism and harassment experienced by many women in the work environment, especially women of colour who are constantly expected to prove themselves and go the extra mile with an unequal start. It also addressed issues of substance abuse and generational trauma.

Air Products Shows Support for Aganang Skills Development Training Program

By School News

11 July 2022

Air Products recently sponsored the Sacred Heart College’s Aganang Skills Development Training Program in Observatory, Gauteng. The donation will be utilized towards

upgrading facilities and enabling the training program to offer courses in catering and confectionary.

The program aims to benefit the youth who live in one of the country’s most diverse and fragile communities where severe economic obstacles exist. Aligning to the strategic focus of the corporate social investment (CSI) initiatives, which is focused on the youth and education, Air Products perceived this as an ideal opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the youth.

Located on the borders of Bellevue, Yeoville and Hillbrow, Sacred Heart College established a project called the “Three2Six School Project” in 2008 which provides education to refugee children as they realized there was a desperate need for safe learning spaces for the youth.  The project was founded to heed the Marist call to “look at the world through the eyes of a poor child”.

The areas surrounding the school caters for low-income households, including people who arrive in Johannesburg from different parts of Africa, as well as other provinces within Southern Africa.

The areas mentioned plays an important role in the survival of thousands of displaced South Africans and migrants who arrive in the city. Over time, this area has become home to many households who cannot afford to live in other central locations.

According to Heather Blanckensee, Head of the College, they have received tremendous support for their programmes from the Observatory community, other community groups and their alumni and is confident that they will continue to receive support for their new initiative.

Sacred Heart College is dependent on donor funding for the Aganang Skills Development Training Program, as is the case with the “Three2Six School Project”, and it will provide an opportunity for several unemployed youths to upskill themselves to a level where they would be able to access income generating opportunities.

Blanckensee further mentions: “The goal is to create a space where the skills and resources can be shared with the youth, where they will be provided with coaching and mentorship. We want to establish the Aganang Skills Development Training Program as a platform where the unemployed youth can build up their confidence and skills to successfully integrate into the job market or pursue business opportunities. In the long run, sustainable economic development is what this is about.”

Arthi Govender, Chairperson of Air Products’ CSI Committee comments on the project: “We have seen the magnificent work that Sacred Heart College has done to date with their “Three2Six School Project”

and how they have gone about rendering support for the project. They have not hesitated to make their own facilities available after school hours to accommodate these learners from the surrounding areas and to enable them to also access education. We are fortunate to form this partnership and support the College to the first step towards raising the funds they require for this program. We believe in their goals for this program and the difference it will make to the lives of many young people.”

For more information on Air Products, visit www.airproducts.co.za.