High School
Grade 8-12
Our commitment to unlocking potential extends beyond academic metrics; it’s about fostering an environment where every student can thrive, learn, and achieve their personal best.
Matric Class of 2024
Sacred Heart College, a beacon of educational excellence for a century, is thrilled to announce the remarkable achievements of its Class of 2024 in the recent final exams.
High School Academics
Our high school students are given the opportunity to learn in an innovative and exploratory way. We encourage our learners to lead with their own voices. Our innovative teaching curriculum inspires growth, knowledge and empowerment. The coming decades will be shaped in unknown ways by the forces of science, technology, globalisation and geopolitics. Our curriculum is future focused which establishes strengths in the core subjects but is also integrated and varied enough to adapt to the demands of the 21st century.

Our high school students are given the opportunity to learn in an innovative and exploratory way.
We encourage our learners to lead with their own voices. Our innovative teaching curriculum inspires growth, knowledge and empowerment.
The coming decades will be shaped in unknown ways by the forces of science, technology, globalisation and geopolitics. Our curriculum is future focused which establishes strengths in the core subjects but is also integrated and varied enough to adapt to the demands of the 21st century.
We are as focused on emerging, innovative and creative subjects as we are on classic academic disciplines. Our students find fulfilment and success in a broad range of learning pathways: and succeed equally well in the study of the Arts or Sciences.
Our students engage pro-actively with their learning at school and at home; and are not afraid to take a risk or learn from mistakes; they are proud of their efforts and know that education is a long, exciting journey with both challenges and rewards.
Equally important is the development of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence, teamwork and leadership, and the ability to think on their feet and work under pressure. These aspects ready our students for anything that the future brings.

Catholic beliefs and values.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, they live.
Multi-faith community
The enhancement of spirituality and the education in faith in a multi-faith community is important. Our mandate, taken from the founder of the Marist Brothers, St Marcellin Champagnat, is to make Jesus Christ known and loved.
We undertake to form well-balanced children by offering a variety of cultural activities.
We offer cricket, basketball, soccer, athletics, swimming and netball. All sports are offered for both boys and girls.
Extracurricular Activities
We offer additional extracurricular activities that provide students with the opportunity to explore their creative, athletic and musical skills.
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