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Our Grade 11s will be starting their Job Shadowing Workshop on 5 April, where they will visit companies and spend a few days learning about a career they are interested in.

We are appealing to our alumni to spend the morning with our students on 4 April, sharing their industry experience and insights.

If you are interested in engaging with our students, please email alumni@sacredheart.co.za. We look forward to hearing from you.

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Divanth Naidoo

| Alumni, Job shadow, School News | No Comments
Alumni Job shadow Workshop My name is Divanth Naidoo. I am a social media manager at OMM - Online Media Management.   I matriculated in 2018 and went on to study…

Maggie Lee

| Alumni, Job shadow, School News | No Comments
Alumni Job shadow Workshop My name is Maggie, although some people address me as Dr Lee I still prefer being called by my name. I do not believe that a…

Shivan Mansingh

| Alumni, Job shadow, School News | No Comments
Alumni Job shadow Workshop Our alumnus, Shivan Mansingh, was one of our keynote speakers. Shivan, a chartered accountant, matriculated in 2003 and holds an MBA which he completed in 2018. As the successful…

Community Involvement Projects

Donate to Three2Six refugee project

Three2six aims to provide quality education to refugee children who cannot access government schooling. Sacred Heart College is proud to be part of this project. Help us fund 2020.

Be a guest speaker

We welcome alumni and professionals to give a talk to inspire and motivate our students.




Dear Alumni

Sacred Heart College epitomises the diversity of South Africa. We create a place of welcome and a home that crosses gender identity, income level, cultural, religious and demographic barriers. Sacred Heart College has always been at the forefront of progressive cultural shifts in South Africa.  We are extremely proud of our alumni who take up the challenge of creating meaningful change in our society. 

It is no coincidence then, that our alumni are heads of major corporations; acclaimed actors and authors; pioneering professionals in 

the medical and science fields and esteemed educators. Sacred Heart College is represented across many and differing industries. Thank you for flying the SHC flag!

Ms Lebohang Chanza, Class of 1988 and a recent appointment to the Board, has been tasked with steering our Alumni team.  Ms Chanza brings a wealth of expertise, particularly in the education sector.  Her main priority is to focus and develop methods of reconnecting, reflecting and creating opportunities for alumni to engage with each other.

We want to encourage you to share in our vision to re-establish and strengthen the relationship between you and the School.  For many of you, Sacred Heart College is not just your alma mater but a place where you felt a warmth of welcome, developed an enduring sense of social justice and were celebrated for your individuality.  To all of you, we say let us Transform tomorrow by Connecting today. 

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