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We were thrilled to have some of our alumni share in the launch of the Frank Hollingworth Scholarship Fund.  We shared memories of Frank or Mr Holly (as he was affectionately known).

The Frank Hollingworth Scholarship is designed to recognize Mr Hollingworth’s legacy of 43 years of service to students at Sacred Heart College. The scholarship is also about offering an opportunity to a young talented student who shows the promise of contributing to the field of medicine, engineering, scientific research or education.

A scholarship at Sacred Heart College is much more than an investment in a young person’s future. It is an investment in our collective future as citizens of the world. The returns on this investment are invaluable and everlasting.

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To support the initiative, below are the banking details.

Account Name: SACRED HEART COLLEGE | Bank: FIRST NATIONAL BANK | Account Number: 62185888016 | Branch Code: 257705 | Branch Name: EASTGATE 527 | Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ / ZA254655 | Reference: 40065